About Me

My photo
Wisconsin, United States
I have always been interested in art, color, and the fundamentals of design. As a child, I designed furniture and built rooms for Barbie instead of actually playing with Barbie. I am always looking for ways to improve and update my indoor and outdoor living spaces...I have many ideas and opinions about how I want decorate my home while still maintaining a budget. This blog site will encompass many ideas, DIY projects, recipes, travel experiences, and tips that I've acquired over the years and from my Grandmother. All photographic images are directly from my home and I welcome all visitors to get inspired by any or all of the ideas that I post.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Hand Painted Birdbath

birdbath - before

 Over the winter I decided that my old boring cement birdbath needed a little sprucing...I had tried to spray paint but it always chipped off.  I also tried regular outdoor paint but unfortunately the color wouldn't stick. With a bleach and water solution I scrubbed the birdbath clean and let it thoroughly dry for 24 hours. I decided that the birdbath needed color and vibrancy so I used cream colored enamel paint for the background.

birdbath - after

My birdbath separates into two pieces, and I decided I wanted to paint different colored flowers using my outdoor sign painters paint purchased at my local Ace Hardware. The  colors I used were blue, red, orange, green, gold, and white. I did tint some colors with white and mixed purple as well. I first painted the bowls outer perimeter and started by painting large flowers then filled in with smaller flowers and leaves. I tried to mix up colors and types of flowers for added interest.  To make each flower POP...I chose to paint the background black. I added dots and dashes in white to highlight specific flowers.

birdbath - close up

I hand painted flowers all around the top of the birdbath and decided that a striped bottom would be a unique approach rather than everything painted the same. I measured the base top perimeter and the base bottom perimeter and divided the numbers to make 6 panels...3 cream...and 3 with flowers. I purposely make certain flowers overlap both the black and the cream background. The result is a beautiful addition to my outdoor living space. The whole project was completed on a very cold wintery weekend!

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